Prayer For Strength To Continue Doing The Things That Work
Monday July 13, 2020
Early on in the pandemic the nation of Israel was applauded and looked to as a model for suppression of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Then their reopening strategies proved to be too much too soon and the number of new cases has surged in recent days – outpacing many other countries and seemingly out of control.

Simple measures such as washing hands, maintaining adequate physical distancing, and covering our faces in public have proven to impede the spread of the virus. With warmer weather and the drain of so many weeks under restrictions, and in areas where new case numbers are decreasing, it’s hard to maintain vigilance and continue to do the simple things that have kept the virus from spreading and taking hold across the community.
The problem is that the virus is still with us and the environment in which it does its damage is still what was “normal.” As long as we maintain the boundaries that we’ve been given we can live healthy and free of the virus but when we think we are fine without the boundaries, trouble infects us and multiplies at alarming rates.
But Jesus said, “The people who hear the teaching of God
and obey it—they are the ones who have God’s blessing.”
Luke 11:28
This is so true in our spiritual lives as well. God has given us instructions and boundaries in which He promises us a life of blessing and peace. Things go well as we follow His ways and then we somehow think that we can bend the rules without consequence. One little bend quickly wreaks its havoc on our relationship with a holy God and the disaster spreads from one part of our life to another at alarming speed.
We pray today to be faithful and to continue with the practices for living in God’s love, the disciplines of not living in self-will, and the grace to seek God’s heart in every area of our lives. Let’s pray:
So remember that the Lord your God is the only God,
and you can trust him! He keeps his agreement.
He shows his love and kindness to all people who love him
and obey his commands. He continues to show
is love and kindness through a thousand generations,
Deuteronomy 7:9
Well God, we’re so grateful that You never ask us to do anything that You are not already doing Yourself. We are often so faithless and yet You always keep your end of the bargain. You continue to offer us love and kindness as we open our hearts to You and make ourselves available to Your blessing. You even promise to do that down to a thousand generations. That’s quite the model of commitment and consistency.
But remember—continue to obey the law that
the Lord’s servant Moses gave you.
You must love the Lord your God and obey his commands.
You must continue to follow him
and serve him the very best that you can.”
Joshua 22:5
We’re so quick to let down our guard and let distractions and self-centered ways seep into our daily patterns. Forgive us Lord. We can so easily get complacent about spending focused time in Your word and in keeping our faith in Your goodness always before our eyes. How quickly we forget How much You care for us and how strong Your commitment to us is.
Brothers and sisters, I want you to remember the Good News I told you. You received that Good News message,
and you continue to base your life on it.
1 Corinthians 15:1
In a world that slides further and further away from Your way of life we can too easily see sinful practices for so long that they no longer impact us as they once did. One little slide into a sinful thought can lead to behaviours that cause so much damage down the road.
Brothers and sisters, in your new life with God, each one of you should continue the way you were when God chose you.
1 Corinthians 7:24
Oh Lord, You are a holy God and You call us to be a holy people. That’s the only way to keep the disease of sin from working it’s destruction in us and in our relationships. Help us to live with passion and joy – that same joy we had when we first experienced Your love and acceptance and forgiveness. Renew that joy in us today and help us to continue to serve You with energy and grace no matter what we face.
I am sure that the good work God began in you will continue until he completes it on the day when Jesus Christ comes again.
Philippians 1:6
And so with gratitude and confidence in who You are and in what You say You are doing in us, we go into this day to love You and serve you and to live in the fullness of Your love. We will continue to seek You. We will continue to walk in Your ways. We will continue to trust your good care for us in the middle of these uncertain days. Amen
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