Prayer To Know And Apply Wise and Practical Principles for Life

 In the middle of the Bible, just after Psalms, we find the book of Proverbs which contains all sorts of practical wisdom about everyday living.  Since there are 31 chapters in Proverbs, some people choose to read a chapter of Proverbs on the corresponding day of the month.  (i.e., on January 7 they read Proverbs 7.)

We wants our minds to be developed so we know what is right and wrong, and know how to solve difficult problems.  This is what we are promised when we regularly read and apply the practical ideas we find in Proverbs.

These are the proverbs of Solomon, the son of David and king of Israel. They will help you learn to be wise, to accept correction, and to understand wise sayings. They will teach you to develop your mind in the right way. You will learn to do what is right and to be honest and fair. These proverbs will make even those without education smart. They will teach young people what they need to know and how to use what they have learned. Even the wise could become wiser by listening to these proverbs. They will gain understanding and learn to solve difficult problems.  (Proverbs 1:1-5 ERV)

Well, wonderful promises.  Let’s pray according to them with faith in God’s goodness as we do:

Lord, we know our growth in any area of life is not gained by self-effort alone.  It is based on the principle that on our own we are powerless.  We need You, a higher power who can restore us to sanity.  We know it’s only as we turn our will and our life over to You that we find a new and successful way to live each day.  To be wise is to get to know Your word and do what You says.  We are foolish if we do otherwise. 

The Bible says:  If you really want to gain knowledge, you must begin by having respect for the Lord.  But foolish people hate wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7

Today, God, we want to honour You with our lips of course by admitting that for too long, we have lived in our own arrogance and self-will thinking we are wiser than you.  We’d never say that but our living clearly shows we think we know best.  We ask for Your forgiveness and affirm the truth of Your word we just read:  We want to gain knowledge so we know we must begin by having respect for You Lord, and that means giving up our arrogance and learning to love what You say and living according to Your principles of life.

If you really want to gain knowledge, you must begin by having respect for the Lord.  But foolish people hate wisdom and instruction.  Proverbs 1:7

So today we give ourselves to learning about You, about what You say works in life, and then adjusting our speaking, thinking, and behaving accordingly.  As the saying goes, “If nothing changes, nothing changes.”  Today we have a chance to learn the best changes to make and to experience Your power in putting them into practice. Please fill us with Your Holy Spirit.  We need Your power  We need Your guidance.  As simply as we know we say that we want to live in the humility of these verses from Your word: 

Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.  “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55:6-9

It’s easy to say the words but now we need Your help to actually put them into practice all through this day.  Help us, Holy Spirit.  We pray in Jesus’ name.

Giving Hope

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