A Prayer For Individuals and Governments To Be Responsible and Generous

Wednesday June 16, 2021

 As governments consider what they will do in sharing vaccines across the globe, it had me thinking about how to be responsible and generous.  God wants to supply what we need and He promises to also give us more than we need so we can generously share with others who are in need. 

We all want to see our vaccination rates going up until we reach herd immunity and we want to get there as quickly as we can. At the same point, in country after country around the world there is great vulnerability and little vaccine to protect them from the next wave.

Many of you know that I lived for quite a few years in Taiwan and although they did extremely well in warding off the vaccine for the first 15 months, in recent times their cases are going up quickly and they do not have vaccines on board.  The last I checked they were only 3 - 5% vaccinated.  There was a bit of a diplomatic kerfuffle because a US military plane with 3 US senators on board stopped in Taiwan to make the promise of 750,000 doses of vaccine. 

God wants us to be responsible and generous with all He has given us – time, abilities, money, possessions.  God does not want us to over consume just because we have the money or carelessly spend the money and resources we have as soon as we get them, with no thought about what we might need in the future.  He also wants us to help others even though we might feel our resources are limited.  God wants us to ask for wisdom and seek His will in how we use the resources we have been given.  He promises to bless us when we do. 

Remember this: The one who plants few seeds will have a small harvest. But the one who plants a lot will have a big harvest. Each one of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give. You should not give if it makes you unhappy or if you feel forced to give. God loves those who are happy to give. And God can give you more blessings than you need, and you will always have plenty of everything. You will have enough to give to every good work.  2 Corinthians 9:6-8

When we become aware of a need, we should ask God what our part might be in meeting that need, and then obey what God says.  As we give to God and to others as God directs, He promises that we will receive back what we have given, abundantly multiplied.

Give to others, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands—more than you can hold. You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you. The Lord All-Powerful says, “Try this test. Bring one-tenth of your things to me. Put them in the treasury. Bring food to my house. Test me! If you do these things, I will surely bless you. Good things will come to you like rain falling from the sky. You will have more than enough of everything. Luke 6:38, Malachi 3:10

Heavenly Father, Thank you for providing what we need for this day and your promise to always meet our needs as we prayerfully use and share what You have given us. 

Give our governments wisdom and generous hearts as they acquire and make vaccines available not just for citizens of our individual countries, but for those places around the world where the need is great and finances are limited. 

Help all of us to be those who use resources wisely, both for providing for ourselves and our loved ones today and for sharing with those in need.  Give us the restraint we need to save in a responsible manner and hands that are open to those who have less than we do. 

The Lord All-Powerful says, “Try this test. Bring one-tenth of your things to me. Put them in the treasury. Bring food to my house. Test me! If you do these things, I will surely bless you. Good things will come to you like rain falling from the sky. You will have more than enough of everything. Malachi 3:10

If we’ve not been in the habit of giving a tithe back to You then I pray that You would help us to begin to do so.  We can never outgive you.  Not only have we found that to be true in our lives, it’s your promise that we can even test You and we’ll see that when we give, You will surely bless us and we will have more than enough of everything.

So today, once again we thank You for all that You have given us.  Help us to be responsible and generous with all You have entrusted to our care.  Amen

Giving Hope

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