Prayer For Help During Times of Out-Of-Our-Control Situations

Wednesday July 21, 2021

 Life in these many months of the pandemic has had many vulnerable moments, certainly in the early days, then as various more infections variants spread from one country to another.  While vaccinations are certainly helping to stem the vicious nature of the sickness from covid and keeping hospital and mortality rates down, there is still such a question and sense of “we’ve just not got complete control of all this” when another variant with unknown characteristics shows up in our country.

Certainly here in British Columbia where I live we are also living in the vulnerability that the heat and summer dryness is bringing to the wildfires across our province.  They produce conditions that foster lightning strikes which produce more forest fires and the cycle goes on.  In the past couple of weeks the number of fires from day to day has gone up dramatically and the number of hectacres burning – in many places out of control – is frightening. 

In the middle of times where we feel powerless to change great forces around us we can take heart in the reality that God is with us.  God is willing to act on our behalf as we come in faith to Him and put our reliance in His care.

I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken. So many enemies against one man—all of them trying to kill me. To them I’m just a broken-down wall or a tottering fence. 

Psalm 62:1-3

God has everything we need to sort out whatever needs sorting and to protect our tender hearts in the process. Every day, if we are looking, we have many opportunities to witness God's work of care and protection and provision in us.  God’s great strength and tender loving care is a safe refuge for us to live in today during these vulnerable times.

My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge. Psalm 62:7-8

Lord today we  We choose to trust You and to pour out our hearts to Him as honestly and openly as we can.  We experience a mixture of fear and trust with so many unpredictable destructive forces around us, but, as we walk with You, we are confident that You truly are a place of refuge from the storms of life. 

Gracious God, Help us to live in Your care today and experience the safety, stability, and satisfaction of knowing You.  You have clearly invited us to come to You when things are touch. 

Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me.  Psalm 50:15

We are so glad to find consistency in You.  You are the same, yesterday, today and forever.  We know we can trust you because You are faithful to be who You say You are and do everything You promise.  When we feel vulnerable and afraid, we can trust you to help us because Your word says you give strength to the weary and increase power to the weak.  

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:29-31

Help us to put our hand in Yours as you lift us up and take us forward in these vulnerable times.  We are forever grateful that you care.  Amen

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.