Prayer To Accept the Truth that We Belong, Have Worth, And Are Competent
We’re told that there are three very basic truths a person needs to embrace. They are: I belong; I have worth; I am adequate and/or competent. Feelings of rejection may challenge these three truths that humans need to affirm to be healthy.
I BELONG: God’s sacrifice of His only begotten Son for us, and for the world, speaks clearly of how precious and valuable we are to Him. When we choose to make Jesus the Lord of our lives and follow His ways, God accepts us as His cherished children. We belong.
But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12
Loving God, Thank You for the Lord Jesus who gave His life so we could live out the precious and valuable life You created for us. We thank You that You welcome us to become Your children and belong in Your family. With great gratitude we affirm our acceptance of this wonderful offer today. Amen
I HAVE WORTH: We have worth because God created us and cares for us. We are precious in His sight. Regardless of what others may say about us, God’s word guarantees that we have worth. That’s what counts!
Make sure no outsider who now follows God ever has occasion to say, 'God put me in second-class. I don't really belong.' And make sure no physically mutilated person is ever made to think, 'I'm damaged goods. I don't really belong.' Isaiah 56:3
Thank You God for the worth and dignity that You created in each of us. It’s amazing that we are precious in Your sight because You are the God of wonder and amazing power. The fact that You place great value and worth in us is astonishing but we want to live in the wonder of that and enjoy Your acceptance and delight in us today.
The third wonderful stabilizing truth for each of us to embrace today is: I AM ADEQUATE/COMPETENT: We are so much more than what others may see. We are everything that God sees. We are God’s masterpiece, created to do wonderful things. God also provides everything we need to accomplish what He has prepared for us to do.
Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent. 2 Corinthians 3:4-6a
Heavenly Father, Believing what You say is a choice. Growing to confidently become the person You created us to be, as persons as who are accepted and beloved, is the result of consciously speaking the truth of Your word to our soul until our emotions agree.
So that’s what we are doing together today, choosing to affirm that we belong to You, that we accepted in the beloved, that we have worth, and that we are adequate and competent to complete the good work you have prepared in advance for us to do. Amen
Well those are three great truths I hope you will embrace today and find great joy in.
God says you belong. God says you have worth. God says you are adequate and competent.
Let's have a great day living in that truth.
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