So here we are – well into the month of August – the last days and weeks of summer. For those living in the USA it’s soon time to head back to school. When I lived overseas and we followed the American calendar we were back in classes on the third Monday of August.
We also know that many companies are working on what it means going forward to have employees back in offices. Will it be all office, all working remotely or some hybrid model? What I’m hearing most is this last idea that some time will be spent in offices for meetings and so on but a number of responsibilities still done remotely if that’s your choice.
Life as we used to know it has changed. Things will not go back to what they were before. It may be better, may be worse, from our perspective but it will, for sure, be different.
What we can know that is that in this life we have been given by God, in this new season that is before us, it all begins with each new day. The good bit about that is that yesterday’s mistakes, blunders, worries nd pains are behind us.
We are unable to change what has been said and done. We need to admit that, and repent and turn away from the evil things we have done. We need to turn to God who promises us a season of refreshing.
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord Acts 3:19
If we reach out and embrace it, refreshing new life is available to us, a wonderful gift from God, handed to us every single day, no matter what the conditions are around us. Whether we are feeling confident and just forging ahead with the post-pandemic realities or
returning with some anxiety and uncertainty, God is with us, and when we call on Him, He will answer us and give us love and mercy each morning for a fresh new start. As our will is surrendered to His, God will give us everything we need to today with a new sense of joy.
Heavenly Father, we are so glad that we do not have to live this season on our own. We’re grateful that when we feel weak and powerless, You are there to strengthen us and guide us. You restore to us joy and peace and blessing over and over again as we make choices to walk with You one day at a time.
The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. Exodus 15:2
Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock. Isaiah 26:3-4
Our prayer today, God is that You will help us to recognize the voice of Your Holy Spirit in us. He shows us behaviours and thoughts that are stirred by the chaos of our surroundings, the insanity of our thinking, and the uncertainties that surround it all.
It’s your plan going forward that will refresh us and give us purpose and meaning. Thank You for each day You have planned for us in this next season. As simply and as consistently as we can, we will:
Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually! 1 Chronicles 16:11
We know that as we do that in our homes, our communities, our work places, that You will show us the good way forward. One moment at a time, one day at a time, help us to walk with You and discover the wonderful days ahead that You have prepared for us. Amen
Recent Hope For Today
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