Prayer On Christmas Day
Christmas -- it really happened! God came to our planet. We may never comprehend how or even why He chose to do this but, the fact remains He came. We matter to God, the God who created the heavens and the earth.
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Psalm 8:3-4
Jesus was born as the prophets foretold, conceived by an act of God, born of a virgin. He was born at the time, in the place, and to the people God planned from before creation.
Throughout time God sent signs so people could recognize Him as God come to save them. Some did. Some didn’t. The fact is, God has come. God is here. God is with us.
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14
We are significant people because of our connection to God through Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate today.
Throughout His life Jesus clearly demonstrated who He was, as He taught and healed the people. Jesus drew individuals to Himself with His mysterious power and tender compassion. Jesus invites us to respond to Him on this Christmas day.
Yet I was the one who taught Israel to walk. I took my people up in my arms, but they did not acknowledge that I took care of them. I drew them to me with affection and love. I picked them up and held them to my cheek; I bent down to them and fed them. Hosea 11:3-4
Prayer: Heavenly Father, The coming of Jesus to our world, and to us, is a powerful witness to the truth that our ordinary and simple lives matter You, the God who created us. Thank You that when we turn to You, we are assured of Your love for us and Your acceptance of us through Your son Jesus. His birth changes everything for us.
Thank You for Jesus who was born into this world to be our Saviour, to show us that our lives have meaning and purpose. Thank you for the gifts of love and acceptance we have received from You because of Jesus. Amen
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