Monday March 7, 2022


Recently in our “Life With God in Recovery Daily Meditations” we wrote about being cheerful.  In these late days of February while we continue to live with winter weather, I thought it would be good to think about being cheerful. 

Scientific evidence suggests that being cheerful seems to have positive benefits on our over-all health.  There are studies that suggest being cheerful and optimistic limits stress, reduces pain, supports our immune system, and even helps to protect our heart. 

The Bible tells us these benefits:  A cheerful heart makes you healthy.  But a broken spirit dries you up. Proverbs 17:22

Worry weighs us down; a cheerful word picks us up.  Proverbs 12:25

Studies have shown that those who live in peace and cheerfulness better fight off seasonal bugs like cold and flu.  Older people who reported feeling happy lived longer than those who were least happy. 

We tend to be creative and solve problems more quickly when we are happy and optimistic rather than when we are living in fear and worry, supposing the problems before us to be bigger than God’s ability to make a way through for us. 

God does not want us to pretend that problems don’t exist.  Denial never fixed any problems. Our part is to pray often, work hard, and trust God in all circumstances.  When we do, God’s promise is that He will surely be with us. 

Be cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure.   2 Corinthians 13:11

This is pretty good motivation to be thankful for who we are and to be cheerful today.

Heavenly Father, We want to live today with joy in our hearts and to find a way to be cheerful no matter what challenges we face.  Help us to see all of our circumstances through the filter of Your care for us and Your power to work good in everything.

Today we want to receive Your comfort and encouragement as we face problems head-on rather than avoiding or denying them.  Help us to pause and pray often as we go through this day just so we’re conscious that You are with us, and so we give You an opportunity to give us input into how to react to whatever we encounter.

We trust You are with us and will make a way forward for us as You’ve done so many times in the past.  Thank you for caring for us. Amen

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.