Saturday April 16, 2022

Hello again on this “in between day” – Holy Saturday.  We’ve looked with sorrow and gratitude at the suffering and death of Jesus – an experience necessary so we could know forgiveness and come into living relationship with a Holy God.  Like His followers at the time it’s almost as if we are “shell shocked” at how swiftly and dramatically things changed.  Wasn’t it only a few days ago that Jesus was riding in triumph into Jerusalem and everyone was shouting His praise and waving palm branches in honour of him.  Now he’s dead.  Hope seems gone and who’s next?

On this Holy Saturday we find ourselves in an “in between time.”  In this very strange time, it’s good to take time to remember that God has not abandoned us.  God is still with us.  God has great plans that are taking place as one moment turns into another and one day into another.  Jesus’ friends didn’t know that by the time the morning sun came tomorrow Jesus would be gloriously alive.  Right now they were simply hidden away behind locked doors, shocked and fearful and totally disorientated.

Heavenly Father,  It may seem like all is lost but You promised that You were the way, the truth, and the life, for us and that all your promises are ours and would be fulfilled.  We are so limited in our ability to see.  Only You, God, know it all. 

You are the God who holds time.  You are before time and You always will be.  You are the God who is present and who is working in all things for good for those who love You.  We may not see it right.  It may not be happening in the time and way that we wish, but as surely as the disciples had the amazing experience of your resurrection on Easter Sunday after feeling so afraid and lost on Saturday, so we want to commit ourselves to keeping faith with You, to getting through today with You, to trusting that You have prepared a way for us to go forward well in Your good plans.

Without faith it is impossible to please God. Those who come to God must believe that he exists. And they must believe that he rewards those who look to him.  Hebrews 11:6

And so on this Saturday – after Good Friday but not yet Easter Sunday -- we choose to stand with you.  We will trust you with all our heart.  We will not depend on our own understanding.  In all our ways we will obey You today, trusting that you will make our path smooth and straight

We will Trust in You Lord with all our heart. We will not depend on our own understanding.  In all our ways we will obey You. Then You will make our paths smooth and straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6 (pronouns changed to make personal)

Let’s welcome hope and let it rise with joyful anticipation because Easter Sunday comes tomorrow and the power of God’s resurrection is ours.  Have a great day.

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.