Tuesday August 23, 2022

We all experience times in life when we feel down for various reasons.  Under perfectly normal circumstances we sometimes get tired and emotionally drained.  Satan tries to use anything for evil, including normal “down times” that indicate the need for rest and renewal.  This is particularly true for individuals in early recovery. 

We all experience times in life when we feel down for various reasons.  Under perfectly normal circumstances we sometimes get tired and emotionally drained.  Satan tries to use anything for evil, including normal “down times” that indicate the need for rest and renewal.  This is particularly true for individuals in early recovery. 

At low times, and any time, in whatever way he can, Satan seeks to fill our minds with negative thoughts and emotions.   He is a discourager.  He is the giver of despair and he just wants to pull us down and keep us down. 

But Jesus is our encourager.  He knows our weaknesses.    Jesus is the generous supplier of strength to the weary.  He came to lift us up. He, through His Holy Spirit, brings righteousness, peace, and joy to our lives. 

He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; he snapped their chains.  Psalm 107:14

There’s no “quick-fix” for the heaviness of depression, and we should not be hesitant to seek professional help for persistent heavy darkness in our soul, but there are some very helpful practices that move us forward in a good direction that we can put into practice today. 

We fill ourselves with gratitude and focus on how God is working in us and around us.  We have more going on and more gifts in this day than we are aware of.  It is always encouraging to make a list – mentally or written down – of good things in us and around us. 

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Philippians 4:4

I recall a time in my life when I forbid myself to hold a negative thought until I had written down 20 things I was grateful for.  At another time when I was very low I would force myself to go one hour at a time and look back on the previous hour for something good and then trust God for something good in the next hour. 

We need to trust God to give us all we need just for this day and live one day at a time.  As we receive from God – not just know that healing, comfort, strength and peace are available but actually receive it – we will find things begin to change in a positive direction. 

Jesus said:  The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life……you, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.  John 10:10; Psalm 3:3

When times are hard, thank you for being with us and accompanying us through the challenges. You know the reason for our sadness. You understand our grief.   You don’t condemn us for the way we feel.  Instead, you are understanding and the friend who stays closer than a brother. 

We ask you to draw us close to Your heart and fill us with peace.  We rest in your strength and trust in your unfailing love to get us through today. 

Lord Jesus, lead us out of the darkness in our soul today, we pray.  Protect us from the evil one and give us what we need to lift our head high.  We receive the rich and satisfying life You have provided for us today.  Amen

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.