Sunday October 9, 2022

It’s Thanksgiving holiday weekend here in Canada.  What are we thankful for?  Well, it is a long weekend with a work holiday on Monday so that’s a quick start in the gratitude column.

At times like this I’m often drawn to one of the Psalms – 136.  The writer traces the history of God’s people – all the ups and down, good times and troubles and after every line reminds us to give thanks because,  “His faithful love endures forever.”

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!  His faithful love endures forever.  Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles.  His faithful love endures forever. 

He remembered us in our weakness.  His faithful love endures forever.  He saved us from our enemies.  His faithful love endures forever.  He gives food to every living thing.  His faithful love endures forever. 

Give thanks to the God of heaven.  His faithful love endures forever.  Psalm 136:1, 4, 24-26

These people were doing something that is so right and so uplifting – making a gratitude list.  Being thankful is a practical and reliable way to retrain our thoughts and encourage our hearts.  Let’s take a moment and do that today.

Heavenly Father, the one whose faithful love endures forever, we’re grateful that we can come close to You today and know that You are with us. 

This holiday weekend, along with the church and so many others who have walked with You Lord through joys and sorrows, successes and crushing defeats, and just through the mundane as well as the exciting, we just want to reaffirm today that Your faithful love endures forever for us as well as the ancient people of Israel we read about in the Bible. 

If we take just a short time we can put together a gratitude list full of blessings in these days and over the whole span of our lives.  It can be as simple as the many beautiful sunsets or fall trees filled with colour. 

We can smell and taste today, see the leaves change colour, breathe in the fresh crisp air. We are not waking up to the banging and shaking of bombs being dropped on our neighbourhoods.  In my lifetime many of us have not had to endure war on our doorsteps when so many millions of other have.  We give thanks for every day of peace in our families, our neighbourhoods, our nations.

You are good and give good gifts all the time. Help us again today to see Your faithful love and to allow Your goodness to fill our hearts with confidence and faith today as we give thanks to You, the God whose faithful love endures forever.  Amen

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.