Thinking and acting on our own self-centered thoughts often results in confusion and grief. Too often when we choose to follow our familiar selfish ways and ignore the guidance of the Holy Spirit we end up in despair.
On the other hand, when we walk surrendered to, and empowered by, the Holy Spirit we experience more and more confidence and hope.
What steals our joy and causes us to stumble? The main root cause is pride. We begin to think of ourselves more highly than we ought. We start to find fault in the people around us, the work or programs we are involved with. We blame.
Our prideful thinking makes us feel we can succeed on our own without the help and guidance of our awesome God and that sadly, is a deadly error in judgment.
You have felt secure in your evil ways. You have said, ‘No one sees what I’m doing.’ Your wisdom and knowledge lead you down the wrong path. You say to yourself, ‘I am like a god. No one is greater than I am.’ Isaiah 47:10
Heavenly Father, we know that You are a God of order, not a God of confusion. Thinking that we are the master of our own destiny and trying to run our world on our own is a recipe for disaster, but surrendering our minds and our to You brings peace and blessing.
Forgive us for the times we thought we could take care of ourselves. Truthfully, we are powerless to live well without You.
Thank You for Your lovely promise to fill us with joy and peace as we trust in You today. Help us to take moments throughout the day to pause and do that, to commit what is going on around us or in us to You and to as You to show us what to do or how to respond.
You are watching over our lives, seeing every single thing that is happening and in Your timeless wisdom, You even know what is coming and are more than willing to help us make wise choices today so we are ready to face the unknown that is ahead.
Once again today we turn our will and our life over to your care. Help us to experience the peace and joy that comes from wholeheartedly surrendering to You and Your ways. Amen
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Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.