God is aware of every difficult moment we have experienced and the pain we have endured for every wrong done to us, or by us. He hasn't looked away. He hasn't been busy elsewhere. He has watched and cared and acted on our behalf.
It's a good day to give thanks for our experience of the kindness of God
I celebrate and shout because you are kind. You saw all my suffering, and you cared for me. You kept me from the hands of my enemies, and you set me free. Protect me from hidden traps and keep me safe. My life is in your hands. Save me from enemies who hunt me down. Smile on me, your servant. Have pity and rescue me. Psalm 31:7-8, 4, 15-16
There are so many things we don't see - so many traps that could trip us up. God is on the watch for those and ready to offer protection. God acts on our behalf when we welcome His intervention. All we need to do is request His help.
The more we practice following the ways of God, the more the enemies of our soul will try to harm us. Each day requires that we put our life in God's hands and rely on Him to save us from the hidden dangers we may encounter.
You are wonderful, and while everyone watches, you store up blessings for all who honor and trust you. I will praise you, Lord, for showing great kindness when I was like a city under attack. I was terrified and thought, “They’ve chased me far away from you!” But you answered my prayer when I shouted for help.
Psalm 31:19, 21-22
Thank You God that You are not passively watching us as we wander through our day. Others may watch and say nothing, but You pours out blessing and help as we open our hearts to Your truth.
We never live with a complete picture of what is happening in our life. God, only You know that. You promise to work on our behalf whether we can see what You are doing or not. Thank You for faithfully accompanying us even though we may not be aware of Your presence.
And so, Loving God, whether we can see what You are doing in our lives today or not, help us to trust Your kind and caring presence and surrender our will and life into Your care. Amen
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