Who Is A Friend
We hang around with all sorts of people in a variety of situations. We “friend” people on social media but what is a true friend? How do we recognize a true friend and how can we be a friend to someone else?
The sweet smell of incense can make you feel good, but true friendship is better still. Just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen the minds of each other. Proverbs 27:9, 17
Friends bring colour to our black and white world. They bring something sweet to our day or our memories.
Friends are those we enjoy being with, find ourselves being more truthful with, feel comfortable with most of the time, and want to have around us to share both our joys and sorrows.
Friends often share common interests and draw things out of one another that would otherwise remain hidden. With friends we are often more willing to try new things and we often accomplish more together than on our own.
True friends watch out for each other, share with each other, and even make sacrifices for each other.
You can trust a friend who corrects you, but kisses from an enemy are nothing but lies. Don’t desert an old friend of your family or visit your relatives when you are in trouble. A friend nearby is better than relatives far away.
Proverbs 27:6, 10
True friends tell us the truth, not just what we want to hear or is convenient in the moment. They don’t beat us with the truth but they do find the right way at the right time to confront us with things we need to hear.
There is a wisdom and depth of caring from a friend that is to be valued even though we feel challenged by them in the moment. We need to keep true friends close and learn from them, strengthened by their loyalty and honesty.
God offers us His friendship today. The one who knows us best, loves us most, and has done more for us than anyone else, invites us to intimate relationship with Him today. To accept His invitation is our choice.
Heavenly Father, We are grateful for friends and all they contribute to the joy and stability of our lives.
Thank You for being the friend who stays closer than a brother. We want to share our lives with You, the ups and downs, the like and dislikes, the successes and failures.
Help us to listen to You today and obey all You have to teach us. You are the faithful friend who always tells us the truth straight up but with gentleness. We don’t always like to hear it but we are grateful. Amen
Let’s have a great day today with friends and being a friend.
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