A New identity
Many of us have experienced the joy that comes when we surrender our will and our lives into God’s care and are restored to relationship with God.
Our spirit comes alive as God’s Spirit lives in us. God begins to pour His unfailing love into us. We begin to believe that we do belong to God and are His cherished children who bring delight to His heart.
Our experience is that this truth grows in our spirit and nurtures stability and freedom in our soul – that part of our being where we think and feel and make choices.
The Bible describes that transformation this way:
Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
Where we previously felt isolated and detached we began to experience a sense of connectedness. As we remembered that God was watching over us, fear gave way to a sense of security.
We came to believe that God was working on our behalf because we saw evidence of it over and over again.
The reality that we were no longer are alone began to sink into our minds. Confusion gave way to more and more clarity. Hope grew, and despair moved away. God was making us whole, holy in every way.
Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
2 Corinthians 5:17
And this is the experience we now celebrate and want to share with others who have struggle or currently struggle.
It’s not too late to have new life come to you as your spirit soul are impacted by the truth of God’s word.
You too can begin to think more positively about this day and life in general. Rather than reacting and running, you too can start to feel more secure and confident in dealing with what life brings your way.
Gracious God, Once again we affirm that we are offering ourselves – our will and our lives to You. We choose to live in Your care today and to experience the new identity You make available to us in Christ Jesus.
We are so grateful that we can confidently declare that we are new persons through Jesus’ finished work on the cross. Thank you for our new life. Help us to live today as the treasured persons You say we are Amen.
This experience is not just for someone else who is smarter or who has solved problems you are currently working with today.
God invites us to come and receive a whole new identity and new way of living from Him today.
It’s a gift? Will we receive it? Will we live it today?
Recent Hope For Today
Giving Hope
Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.