Just for Today - I Will Strengthen My Mind

Monday September 25, 2023

 JUST FOR TODAY – I Will Strengthen My Mind

As we get going in this week, here’s a little exercise to give great shape to our days.

Just for today I will strengthen my mind.  I will take a few minutes to read and meditate on God’s word, seeking God’s perspective for my life today.  I will take note of one helpful thing God is saying to me and seek to behave accordingly.

There are many ways we can interact with God’s word on a regular basis.  Many people start their day early with a bit of quiet time and read a selection from the Bible, from a meditation book, or from an App on their phone or tablet, or some combination.  It doesn’t matter where we source the material.  It’s filling our minds and hearts with the truth  that helps us focus on a positive agenda for the day. 

Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me …Then the God of peace will be with you.  Philippians 4:9

Loving God, Our minds have long been patterned on the negative and the self-centered.  By starting the day with a desire to hear from You, we know we give ourselves fresh eyes with which to see and understand life in us and around us. 

You have good plans for us to have a meaningful day and to have a positive influence on every person and situation we encounter. 

We want to know You better and Your good plans for this day.   Help us to learn Your principles for our lives and relationships and understand even better how You act with so much power and love on our behalf.

We know that real change happens for us when we don’t just get to know Your will but actually put it into practice.

So, thank you for taking time to meet with us today as we read Your Word and for strengthening our minds in truth.   Increase our understanding and  fill us with courage and power to put what we read into practice. Amen

Ok, that’s the spiritual exercise for today:

Just for today I will strengthen my mind.  I will take a few minutes to read and meditate on God’s word, seeking God’s perspective for my life today.  I will take note of one helpful thing God is saying to me and seek to behave accordingly.

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.