What does it look like to live out the commitment to God we mean when we say, “My life is in Your hands.”
For those of us who have been part of a 12-Step program, Step-10 encourages us to regularly take personal inventory, to have a good look at what we’ve done and the impact of our words and actions, and when we are wrong about anything to promptly admit it. That’s a great exercise for all of us, isn’t it?
It’s one thing to sort out how things went wrong in the past but it’s important to do things differently going forward. It takes some focus and choices for change but with God’s help we can change.
We previously acted out of our self- centeredness and now we need to act out of our new self which is being renewed in the likeness of our Creator. Jesus gives great teaching on how we ought to treat others and it’s from Him that we learn our most important lessons.
So, my dear Christian friends, companions in following this call to the heights, take a good hard look at Jesus. He’s the centerpiece of everything we believe, faithful in everything God gave him to do.
Hebrews 3:6
Nothing changes until we realize something needs to change and take action. That’s the purpose of taking a regular inventory of our daily lives, and doing it under the guidance of what God is teaching us in His Word. God gave us the Scriptures to be our handbook. If we obey what it says in the handbook, we will avoid the traps of the enemy.
You are my Rock and my protection. For the good of your name, lead me and guide me. Save me from the traps my enemy has set. You are my place of safety. Lord, you are the God we can trust. I put my life in your hands. Save me!
Psalm 31:3-5
Thank You God for holding our lives in Your hands and for giving us wisdom to assess how things are going, and strength and courage to make any necessary changes.
We easily can say the words, “My life is in Your hands” but to live that out with humility and grace is another story. Please help us today to organize our lives around Your instructions, to seek forgiveness when we have gotten it wrong, and to stand firm on Your promises in times of trial. Amen
Why not take a moment, even now, to reflect on the past 24 hours and ask God to help You see how your life has been, or not been, lived in His hands and any adjustments that are needed. He’ll make the next 24 hours so much better as we do this.
Recent Hope For Today
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Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.