Opened Up My Future

There is a line in a Christian music song which says, God has "opened up my future, closed my past." It’s a great thought at the beginning of a new year to remember that, as we give ourselves and our lives to God, He deals with the past and opens up an amazing future.  

What do you and I need to let go of from 2023 and allow the healing and forgiving of God to make whole in us in His love and grace?

One of the ways people often seek to make the new year better than the old one, is to make New Year's resolutions.  The only problem with that is that statistics tell us that after 9 days there is a 75% failure rate in keeping the resolutions.

If we think that's bad news, what do we do with the statistic that tells us that 100% of people fail to live according to God's righteous laws?  The result of that failure isn't just a few more pounds in weight on our bodies or a little more debt – it means death and eternal separation from God.

It's no wonder we love to celebrate Christmas -- the birth of Jesus Christ.  It is such a wonderful event because the Bible tells us:

But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law.  God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. Galatians 4:4-5

Thank You God, that before the beginning of time, You planned for each of us to live in a productive, loving, creative connectedness to You.  You planned for us to have the opportunity to daily walk and talk with You.  Your desire was for us to know the peace and blessing that would flow from our relationship with You. 

We can enter into this new year with joy and hope because God You say that when we invite You into our lives, we become new

You have now become a new person and are always learning more about Christ. You are being made more like Christ. He is the One Who made you.  

Colossians 3:10

So Heavenly Father, Thank You for a new day, a new year, a new beginning.  Thank You for giving Your beloved son Jesus to be a sacrifice for our sin. We choose to surrender our will and life into Your care and trust that as we faithfully follow You, Your plans for our future will open up and this will be our best year yet.

We pray that You will help us to live in this new year, one day at a time, as the person You created us to be.  Help us to become more like You in 2024.  Amen

Have a wonderful day and a wonderful year as we allow God to “Open up our future, close our past.”

Further Encouraging Thoughts For Today

Resources For 12 Steps

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.