Kept Safe
I read through the Psalms regularly. I love it when I get to one that’s been a favourite for a long time. Psalm 16 is one of those. I thought we could pray some of the verses from it.
Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge.
Psalm 16:1
Heavenly Father, You invite us to come close to you and it's always safe to do so, always a place of shelter and refuge. And so today we don't just want to know that but we really do want to come to you. Here we are and here you are. We're so glad we can live this moment and this day in Your care.
I said to the Lord, “You are my Master! Every good thing I have comes from you.”
Psalm 16:2
And God, we really do have all kinds of things to be thankful for today. The list of blessings from nature we can see and hear and smell is long. The security of a place to live, food on the table, clothes to wear etc. - simple things, yet we have them in abundance compared to so many. All good things that have come from you. thank you.
The godly people in the land are my true heroes! I take pleasure in them!
Psalm 16:3
We have so many heroes these days - from little kids to those who are aged who are showing kindness, expressing joy, being helpful, being there for one another. We laugh. We cry. Our hearts are touched by them. We really do take pleasure in them and we thank You, God, for the gift of their lives.
Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine.
Psalm 16:5
You help us protect our health, enjoy safety, use well what we've been entrusted with. You guard our hearts and minds from fear and distress and fill us with peace and joy. You give us truth with which to counter the ugly lies the evil one seeks to throw at us and send us off course.
Thank you for the protection of Your precious blood Lord Jesus that washes us clean from all our sin and keeps us clean from any ways the evil one would like to grab us and lead us astray. This day is a gift for us that You guard for us. Thank you. Amen
Well there are some other lovely verses and so maybe we’ll take them tomorrow and continue to thank God for all the good things He is putting into our days.
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