Are We Part of The Solution Or Part Of The Problem
Someone has rightly said, "If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem."
Our life with God in recovery is about making the most of each day, recognizing our limits and our abilities to do something about problems we identify within us or around us.
A key word in that slogan is "part." God is meant to be in control of our lives. We are meant to make space for Him to identify problems, solutions, and the appropriate process for us. That’s His part and then we actively engage in whatever part of the solution He asks us to do.
Call out to me when trouble comes. I will save you and you will honor me.
Psalm 50:15
If any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He will give it to you. God gives freely to everyone and doesn’t find fault.
James 1:5
Fear and pride often show up in the middle of a difficult situation and, if we allow them to govern our thinking process, the problem only gets worse. God has a solution for our trouble that is better than anything our fearful minds could conjure up.
As we said, in our new life with God our first response to any problem should be to call out to God, ask Him for wisdom and find out what our part is in bringing about a solution.
Sometimes we will have a major role in the solution and at other times we will need to simply wait and watch God work. One of the hardest lessons to put into practice is that of letting go and giving God a chance to demonstrate that He has a solution.
God, You invite us to trust in Your wisdom. We bump into problems all the time and we pray today to rely on Your wisdom so we become part of the solution rather than being part of the problem.
Help us to trust You, to consult You all along the way, and then live with a peaceful heart. We know that in advance, if we regularly read Your Word and get to know Your ways, we are setting ourselves in a good position to become conscious of Your will in situations where we find ourselves.
Whatever we face today, help us to listen well and give You an opportunity to help us recognize what is helpful and what comes from our defects of character. Amen
So, are we part of the solution or part of the problem. It’s a great thought around which to inventory today, isn’t it? Have a great day.
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