Don't Quit Before The Miracle Happens
"Don't quit before the miracle happens" is a slogan that's been around recovery circles for quite a while. Someone has added this phrase to it, "Anything worthwhile takes time and patience." These are an echo of God’s wise and encouraging words to us.
Be strong. Don’t give up. God will reward you for your work.
2 Chronicles 15:7
Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.
Galatians 6:9
Good things take effort and patience, including finding the life that God has planned for us. We'll try some things and leave them behind. We’ll struggle to do other things until we master them, and they become routine.
New healthy behaviours take time to become normal actions. In one study it was found that on average it took 66 days for a new behaviour to become normal. The time could be as short as 18 days and as long as 254 days.
God promises: Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
We’re so grateful, God, that You are working in us. You are restoring us to sanity. You hold us steady and encourage us while we learn. Help us today to stick with You until the miracle happens.
Help us, Heavenly Father, to remember that You are with us, supporting and strengthening us as we establish new and healthy ways of living that honour You. Give us patience with ourselves and others as we grow and learn. Amen
Well, all I can do is encourage us to see all of our life today in God’s hands. God is the one giving us new life. We have our part to play in doing His will but let’s remember today: "Don't quit before the miracle happens."
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