Wisdom - Remember Your Creator
God invites us to live in a new wise way that is ultimately the life we’ve been longing for. Today’s nugget of wisdom is: Remember your creator.
Remember your Creator. Remember him while you are still young. Think about him before your times of trouble come. Remember your Creator before those who guard the house tremble with old age.
Remember your Creator before the silver cord is cut. Remember him before the golden bowl is broken. Remember your Creator before you return to the dust you came from. Remember him before your spirit goes back to God who gave it.
Ecclesiastes 12:1, 6-7
Quite a few times in just a few verses from the Bible we are told by a wise king that we should remember our creator. While we are young, through all the different seasons and troubles of life, all the way to the vulnerability of life when the "silver cord is cut" and our bodies return to the dust from which we came and our spirit goes back to God who gave us life, we are to remember God.
If we remember our creator, we know for sure that our life is not our own and we will humble ourselves before God and seek to know His ways.
If we remember our creator, we will be aware that life and health come from God alone and we will come before Him daily to receive His blessing and provision.
If we remember our creator, then no matter what circumstances we face we will know we are safe, and that God will get us to the other side. We will never get lost in pride when things are going well for us, and we won't live in despair or addiction when we face problems.
We will remember that God is on our side, God is working out His plans for us, and nothing can stand in His way.
If we remember our creator when we are faced with illness or death, we will have great peace knowing that the loving hands of God are holding us. When our days on earth are complete, God will welcome us into His eternal presence.
Creator God, it’s so easy to get lost in the details of our own plans and daily living. Help us to remember that it is from You we receive the gift of life and to You we will return. Help us to live in honour of Your name so that the inheritance we have received from You is evident to all who know us. Amen
Wherever we are on that journey between birth and death, today is a good day to remind ourselves that God is our creator and we live for Him.
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