There’s a saying we’ve mentioned often, “If nothing changes, nothing changes.” Today we want to think about what God is asking of us that requires us to do things differently.
We call the action of turning around and doing things differently, repentance. Repentance involves reviewing the things we have done and admitting that we have not lived up to our own moral standard, let alone to God’s standard and making a choice to do things differently. Repentance includes having a deep desire to change and do things differently.
After I strayed, I repented; after I came to understand, I beat my breast. I was ashamed and humiliated because I bore the disgrace of my youth. Jeremiah 31:19
For a time I used to think that feeling sorry for the way I’d handled my affairs and for the people I’d hurt was repentance, but it’s not.
The repentance that leads to this actually doing things differently includes the strong desire to change our actions and the way we live, and that can only come from God’s Spirit who lives inside us.
In the past we lived self-centered lives and never thought about others, or about God and His ways. We just did what was right in our own eyes. At this time of decision and change we now need to be willing to admit that our lives are unmanageable and, on our own, we are powerless to change. We ask God for His power, that is power greater than ourselves, and the only power which can restore us to sanity.
The Spirit of the God who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you. So the God who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your bodies. He will do this because of his Spirit who lives in you.
Romans 8:11
Thank You so much God, that when we are truly repentant and turn our will and life over Your care God, You forgive us, and give us the Holy Spirit to live within us.
We are so grateful for the amazing power we are given by the Holy Spirit that strengthens us to follow the Your ways, do things differently and so experience what people are talking about when they say that you “restore us to sanity.” Amen
So, what might it look like for us to repent from doing things our own way, turn to God, surrender to His will and actually do things differently in the power of His Holy Spirit. I want to do my best to do just that today. How about you?
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