There Is A God And I'm Not Him

Monday June 24, 2024


When we observe the expanse of the universe and have some knowledge of the precision required to keep the planets, sun, moon and stars in place, we should be thankful that this is not a task that has been left in the care of a limited human being but is being watched over an all-knowing, all-powerful creator.

There is a God and thankfully, we are not God.

The Lord is high above all nations, His glory above the heavens.  Who is like the Lord our God, who dwells on high, who humbles Himself to behold the things that are in the heavens and in the earth? 

Psalm 113:4-6

Our lives are complex and require God’s knowledgeable precision to operate well.  When we choose to make our own decisions, we become our own god and our own care giver and supplier.  With our limited knowledge of life, it doesn’t take long before important things are dangerously “out of sync.”  Each of us knows deep down inside us that there must be a God, for we really cannot do life alone.

Loving God, you care for us and invite us to stay close to You so we can benefit from the sound of Your voice as You lead us each day. Forgive us for the times when we have doubted that You were with us and wandered away on our own, thinking that we could manage.

We are so grateful that today we can rely on Your wisdom and that You give us Your Holy Spirit to live in us to show us everything we need to know to follow Your plan and live within Your will.  We don’t have to know as much as You know.  We just have to apply what You show us and take today one step at a time. 

Help us to live in the humility and wonder of this fact that You are God and we are not.

Thankfully, during seasons of ups and downs that we know as life here on earth, we know that You are with us – working on our behalf and making good of all things.  Not only that, but we are also assured

that Jesus has gone ahead of us to heaven to prepare a place for us where we will live with You forever in perfection and joy.  Life on earth is better with You than without You but we’re so grateful that the best is yet to come.   Amen

Aren’t we glad that there is a God and we are not Him?  Let’s enjoy living today with God, following His good plans for our day.

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.