Turning Away From Worthless Things

Thursday September 5, 2024


We’ve spoken about this subject recently but I felt it was still worth these moments of our attention today as we seek to put a solid structure in place for this new season.  So far these days we’ve noted these helpful principles from Psalm 119 – that chapter in the Bible that explains the value of God’s instructions and the success we will experience if we follow them.

What we’ve learned so far:

1.         God promises us joy, the ability to walk without compromise, dignity, and consistency.

2.         Success in life results from giving priority to learning and obeying God’s word.

3.         If we seek Him, God through His word, will be both our map and our navigation system.

4.         Don’t waste time and peace telling God our plans rather than asking Him for His.

Now today we want to focus on what happens when, even though we have the best intentions, we allow distractions to sidetrack us. Listen to this prayer.

Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found. Give me an eagerness for your laws rather than a love for money! Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word.

Psalm 119:35-37

God promises us happiness and we will find that happiness when we walk His path.  However, in our society the sound of “money, lots of it, more of it” is just one of the distractions that takes us from following God’s heart in our day.  And all that extra money can actually give us, in the long run, is worthless things that don’t satisfy us and don’t keep us safe.

To follow God does not mean that we have to live in poverty for the rest of our days but it does mean, for many of us, that there is a simpler way of life with less clutter and less possessions that is ultimately more satisfying than what we think right now. 

By God’s grace, in the chaos of our pressurized living, we can find that “something better” that is available to us that brings us true happiness.   

Loving God, You created us and You know exactly what we need.  Through Your Word, You teach us His principles for a good and pleasing life. 

Help us today to do a bit of an inventory and become willing to leave behind worthless things so we can actually discover the good life we’ve been seeking by  wholeheartedly obeying Your word. Amen

God will do exactly that for us today if we will give our attention and energy to the things that last rather than going after things like the latest device or a bigger bank balance.   Do we dare to give Him a chance to prove this principle to us?

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.