Moving Past Insecurity
I was looking at information about insecurity recently as I prepared for a chapel service in a local prison.
Insecurity is that feeling of vulnerability or uncertainty we feel when we lack confidence in our value or abilities, fear judgment or failure, wonder about our place in a relationship, and find it difficult to deal with an unknown future.
Some of the top responses from people about what triggers insecurity are the following:
· Not good enough – pick your category – looks, success, intelligence etc.
· Doubting that the real you can be valued and loved
· Worrying about the impact of the past on our ability to have a successful future
· Fear of abandonment
In which of these ways are you and I most vulnerable? I’m sure the particular set of vulnerabilities change for each of us but here’s what gives me peace and joy in the middle of it all.
I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. Many will see what he has done and be amazed ... They will put their trust in the Lord ... Oh, the joys of those who trust the Lord,
Psalm 40:1-4
When life is difficult for me, in whatever way that is, God is there to help me if I will just turn to Him and call out for help. He is dependable to pull me out of whatever is pulling me down and making me feel insecure.
God will not only set us on solid ground but He will hold us until we are steady. And then, what a joy, He will use us to live in such a way and accomplish things in life that when others look at us that will not only be amazed but will also put their trust in God because of what they have seen God do in our lives.
And us, instead of being anxious, fearful, and insecure, we’ll have joy – a joy that circumstances can’t steal away from us.
Heavenly Father, some times these words from the Bible and what they point us to seem almost too good to be true. But, You are a faithful God whose Word is true and who’s love for us is unfailing.
Help us today, in whatever moments feel insecure for any reason whatsoever, to call out to You and ask for Your help. Give us grace to let You pull us out and steady us on our journey. We want to walk in Your safe and secure plan for our lives today.
So, what makes you feel insecure today? What’s God’s part in raising you out of that and what action to you need to take to receive His help?
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