Nourishing Words
I don’t know what words of God‘s heart touch your heart and sustain you over the long haul but today I’ll share some of mine and will pray with those, partly because they are wonderful truths for all of us, and partly because I pray that we will each be in touch with God’s heart in a way that allows those words of love and care and encouragement He’s given us personally to nourish us once again.
I looked back at some things I wrote at this time in 2020. I can hardly believe that’s 4 years ago but it is. At that point the lockdown part of the pandemic already seemed like a long haul. Little did we know how much farther we actually had to go.
And so I thought we’d begin today with these words from Psalm 131 and a desire to be in God’s presence with peaceful trust. With the writer of Psalm 131 we say:
But we don’t know what will face today and many of the things that we do face can quickly seem overwhelming. Today, leaning on your faithful words, we say:
God is able to make all grace abound to us so that in all things, at all times, having everything we need, we can abound in good work. 2
Corinthians 9:8
How you manage to do that, particularly during these up-and-down times, we don’t understand but we trust you. We trust what you are doing whether it is obvious to us or whether it is being done below the surface. We want to receive the grace and help that you are making available to us in great measure today. Amen
Take a few moments to reflect on what words nourish you and fill you up. God is a very personal God who will speak personally to us if we ask Him to do so.
Recent Hope For Today
Giving Hope
Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.