Why Would A Person Choose To Follow Jesus
Why Follow Jesus
We spend lots of time talking about many things but the bottom line of it all is that we believe that to follow Jesus is the best life a person can have.
Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6
That’s an exceptional statement Jesus is making and I was thinking about how it must sound in the ears of people in our time who are so used to doing things their own ways, believing they have the sole authority over their life and destiny.
That to follow Jesus is a secure and wonderful way forward for us is good news, but perhaps challenging news as well for some people. God’s word is ready to state and defend the announcement. It also says us:
There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death."
Proverbs 14:12
What do these words mean to you and me today?
Sometimes we make choices that for the present time seem to be good, but before we know it we end up in trouble and wonder what happened. Sometimes we even blame God when we find ourselves burdened down by our own choices.
We were never made to live on our own. We were created to live in relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
The truth is that God alone knows what is best for each of us. Only God has the complete information necessary to give us good guidance over the long haul. We were created to live well as we allowed God to direct and empower us through His Holy Spirit.
A life of following our own way necessitated us to be forgiven and healed and saved from our own inadequate decisions and plans.
God invites us today to consider the consequences of our former choices and to consider the perfect choice of living life by His principles, following the example of Jesus.
Heavenly Father, If we are experiencing a life that is not what we hoped it would be, then we know that means we are continuing to do some things in our own way and are not fully surrendered to You. We’re not fully following Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Today we make a conscious choice to totally surrender to You, our thoughts and dreams, our problems, our sins, our fear and whatever is confusing and distressing to us.
We make a U-turn from self-will and surrender our will and our life into Your care. However well or poorly we may do it, we commit to giving our all to following Jesus. Amen
Well Jesus is with us and will show us how to live in His good plan today. Let’s get focused on His Way, His Truth, and His life and go with Him all day long.
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