Christms Eve Gifts

Tuesday December 24, 2024

 Christmas Eve Gifts

Well we've arrived at Christmas Eve. I pray you are safe and healthy and in the middle of everything that is going on again this year, that you are experiencing the great kindness of God shining through to you and bringing hope and peace to you.

There are church services around the world tonight with candles, wonderful singing, and the retelling of the familiar story of Jesus being born.  If you can’t get to one, go online and enjoy the celebrations with God’s people that are happening.  Pick something local or something far away.  For a number of years I’ve watched a service from Singapore as well as attending one locally.

On the night Jesus was born angels were sent by God to announce His birth to humble shepherds.  Initially they were terrified but then the angels told them,

Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.  Luke 2:10-12

Once the shepherds realized that the angels wanted to communicate with them, they were willing to hear what they had to say and then went to seek the Christ child of whom they spoke.

God, our Heavenly Father,  is a personal God who wants to share His plans with us.  When we put our faith in Him, His perfect love will cast out all fear.  We need never fear an unknown future for Jesus is Immanuel, God with us. 

God wants us to experience His unfailing love for us.  Will we recognize Him?  Will we respond to His love?  Will we share the interests of His heart and allow Him to share in the interests of ours? 

Loving God, We're touched that You are even interested in having a loving relationship with us.  You are the God who created us and You are the God who is personally interested in us. 

Thank You for sending Jesus into the world so that our relationship with You might be restored.  Thank you for finding ways to raise our hopes and calm our fears.  On this holy night, we receive Your gift of love, unfailing love that will carry us through. 

We turn from the darkness of arrogant self-will and we humbly turn to You, the light of the world.  Come and be born in us and fill us with Your life.  Take us forward in Your power to do all that You have in mind.

Help us to wholeheartedly give ourselves to You and let Your presence in our lives change all that we are as surely as that new baby Jesus changed everything Mary and Joseph did after he was born. Amen

As the shepherds responded to the angels and actually took the time and effort to go to Bethlehem to see this thing that the angels said had happened, so let us take a few moments of look up to God and to experience the wonder of His presence with us. 

Giving Hope

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