Seasonal Blues
This time of year is often a lonely time for some of us. The run-up to Christmas highlights separation from family and loved ones for a variety of reasons. Certainly the end of December in-between days can be times of feeling quite lonely as we spend time on our own without an agenda to distract us.
The good news today is that in the midst of our current circumstances, we can find joy as we live in conscious contact with the God who loves and cares for us.
Let me tell you how happy God has made me! For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and draped about me the robe of righteousness.
Isaiah 61:10a
I’m not sure what Mary and Joseph felt in these days – well, besides tired because they have a new baby keeping them awake at night. Was there any post-partum depression for Mary? Any worries for Joseph?
They are not at home – they are in a crowded city where all sorts of people are doing what they have to do to get registered with the Roman government. Has Joseph been able to find them a decent place to stay or are they still “rooming in the stable?” They are on their own both to appreciate this new life with them and to deal with whatever challenges each day is bringing.
Jesus is here – what now? What will things be like when they get back to Nazareth – not to mention the long journey just to get there with a newborn baby.
What I do know is this – God was with them. They were not forgotten and He would show them their next steps in what was the life He planned for them.
That’s what I know for each of us today as well. We may not know quite how all the pieces of our life will fit together in this upcoming year but God surely does and He’s more than willing to both show us safe steps to take and to accompany us as we take them. We are not alone. We are with the God who created us and who loves us more than we can even imagine.
Loving God, when we are feeling lonely or sad please remind us to be thankful that we are never forgotten by You. Our emotions will go up and down with our circumstances but You love and presence with us is constant.
We offer this day to you and all that we are experiencing in it. Make something lovely of it all and show us how to be a supportive presence in the lives of those who are around.
Whether we are physically with loved ones or distant, we are accompanied by You and by others that You send our way. Help us to welcome this friendship and support and be strengthened by it. Amen
Let’s set our minds and heart to making something really good of this day. God is ready to help us do that.
Recent Hope For Today
Giving Hope
Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.