Maintaining A Life of Joy

Thursday January 9, 2025

There is no doubt that the God who created us in love intended that we would have a joyful life filled with blessings.  However, most of our lives have included various seasons of pain and confusion.

All of us at one time or another, some of us more often than others, fall short of our ideals and at times, think, say, or do, harmful things.  But even then through Jesus, God has made provision for us to live the life He created us to live, a life that is full of joy. 

Our Lord, you bless everyone who lives right and obeys your Law. You bless all those who follow your commands from deep in their hearts.

Psalm 119:1-2

People can live a clean life by obeying your word. I treasure your word above all else; it keeps me from sinning against you.

Psalm 119:9, 11

No matter where we are in our journey of knowing and following God, living a joyful life is available to us.  How do we receive this gift? 

We read and meditate on God’s Word as recorded in the Bible, and whole-heartedly set ourselves to follow what we learn. 

God says we are to live as people of integrity and stop compromising with evil. 

As we consistently follow God’s principles, a sense of joy and well-being will strengthen our hearts to do what pleases God. 

As we practice God’s will in all our affairs we will become, “Happy Joyous and Free.”  This slogan will not just be words that we say, but will become our lived reality.

Loving God, You created us to live with joy.  You’ve given us instructions for what to do and what to avoid in order to have that wonderful life.  I pray today that we would have a heart – or as the words from the Psalm describe it – “follow Your commands from deep in our heart.”

Help us to be people of integrity and goodness in all we do and say and those who run to You for forgiveness and healing when we stray and stumble.  We want to live in Your blessing all day long.  Amen

As we’ve said so many times, joy is the by-product of the choices we make and the way that we live.  Let’s choose well and act well today so we can be filled with joy, given to us by God, who is full of joy.

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.