A Lifestyle of Truth
We speak about various aspects of living truthfully often and I guess I make that choice to keep the subject before us because there are so many ways that both around us and inside us we are drawn to hide the truth, deny the truth, or rationalize something other than the truth.
One of our most clicked on blog posts is one about finding help to stop lying. Other than dealing with broken relationships this is the subject that floats to the top in the statistics we see month over month and year over year.
It is God’s plan that we not only know truth but believe truth, speak truth, and reorder our lives so that all our actions reflect truth.
Proverbs 12:19
Truth stands the test of time; lies are soon exposed.
John 8:32
Truthful living is a huge turnaround from life as we observe it in our culture today where deception seems often to be the rule of the day.
Truth is hard for many to live because it feels unsafe to acknowledge it. We often believe we have to hide behind masks to be liked; say something other than the truth so we don’t create trouble.
To establish a lifestyle of truth, the first action for many of us is to break free from the underlying falsehood that Satan has rooted in our hearts and minds – that truth is not safe, not worth the trouble to tell, and will never get us what we desire. It’s time to renounce what is false, affirm what is true and accept God’s forgiveness, grace, and healing for the pain these twisted beliefs have brought us.
We will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ.
Ephesians 4:15
In the place where lies previously functioned, we can now fill our minds and hearts with the truth that, God’s Spirit is active in our lives filling us with comfort and blessing, healing and power, and everything we need for a meaningful purposeful life.
As we daily read the Bible, God will progressively reveal His truth to us and our lives will be transformed. We will experience the security that only living in the truth of God’s word can bring.
Let’s use words from the Bible to pray about this today. It’s a very short prayer but what more can we add to what it says.
Loving God, Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. Amen
Psalm 25:5
Some of you may be thinking, “Well, where do I even begin to deal with such a massive change in my thinking and acting?” Just begin where you are and one thought, one word, one action at a time choose to live truthfully. That’s what makes a lifestyle of truth reality.
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