Finding A Clear Way Forward

Sunday February 9, 2025

For many of us our lives have bounced around from one place to another.  Sometimes that included moving from one  broken relationship to another, one set of uncertain circumstances to new places of insecurity.  We have felt the pain of disconnectedness and the feeling of not belonging anywhere.

God's word today reminds us that where we have been is no surprise to Him.  He knows the oppression we've felt, the tears we've wept, and the injustice that we've seen or experienced.  He wants to show us a new way forward, one that is filled with mercy and truth.

Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. Redeem me from human oppression, that I may obey your precepts. Make your face shine on your servant and teach me your decrees.

Psalm 119:133-135

When we make a choice to walk with God, following His ways, we will not be overcome by evil.  Life isn’t perfect and people around us won’t suddenly be perfect but God has a plan for us and His instructions are clear, so clear that even the simple minded can understand. 

Learning the truth about what God says will work begins by regularly reading the Bible and applying what we learn to our daily lives.  As we put God’s directives into action we recognize how well they work and the longer we continue to obey His word, the more life changes. 

God’s word has stood the test of time.  We will have a “Spiritual Awakening” - maybe even today - as we practice God’s principles in all our affairs. 

Loving Heavenly Father, Thank you for the witness of so many people who, by following Your principles for living, have experienced a good, pleasing, and perfect life.

Strengthen us to follow Your directives in all we do and say so we may experience the fullness of life that comes from You alone. 

We long for that joy that comes from knowing that You are smiling on us as we journey with You.  Help us today to live well in the goodness of Your presence and Your affirmation of Your love for us.


I always love the bits in the Bible about God’s face shining on us.  There’s such a sense of connectedness and love and affirmation in that, don’t you think?  Let’s live in that bright place today.  Have a great day. 

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.