Hope In Cold Dark Times
God is prepared to do many things for us. One of the things we need the most is referred to in these words:
He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; he snapped their chains.
Psalm 107:14
We are well on our way through the long cold dark days and nights of the winter season. Little by little the light returns to us but it’s still dark at suppertime and it’s cold. We’d all love to jet away to some place that is warm and sunny wouldn’t we?
Similarly, in our emotional life, we often go through seasons that see long and dark and that just leave us longing for something brighter and friendlier.
There are lots of reasons why we feel this way. Under perfectly normal circumstances we can get tired and emotionally drained. Satan will try to use anything for evil against us, including normal “down times” which are simply indicators of the need for rest and renewal.
At low times, and any time, in whatever way he can, Satan seeks to fill our minds with negative thoughts and emotions. He is a discourager. He is the giver of despair and he wants to pull us down and keep us down. But Jesus is our encourager. He knows our weaknesses. He gives strength to the weary.
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
John 10:10
You, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.
Psalm 3:3
Our first choice when we feel down is either to believe the lie the evil one is telling us or believe the promises God has made us. Our tender and caring God invites us to come to Him to find comfort and rest for our minds and hearts as well as our bodies – as good as any day on a sun drenched beach somewhere.
Thank You, Jesus that You came to earth to die for our sins, so we would have freedom to live life to the full. Thank You for Your clear warnings to us about Satan’s strategy to steal the joy that living life with You brings.
And so, Gracious God, we’re asking You today for strength and comfort to see us through this day no matter how dark or cold it seems to us.
We choose to fix our eyes on You and not on our problems. We rest in your presence and trust in your strength to get us through today. Amen
And isn’t it comforting to know that God is working for good in all things in our lives no matter how difficult it is for us to see it. Take heart, friends. Have a great day.
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