How do we respond when our lives are filled with trouble and pressure and stress?
Things often don’t go according to the way we would like them to. People do senseless irritating things. We get treated in ways that make us feel insignificant and even hated by some people. It is extremely difficult to find joy in those moments
However, in times like these, we can choose to trust the principles God has established. Everything God says is reliable.
Particularly when times are troubled, it's good to have a bigger picture of life to help us see beyond the stress and frustration of the moment. That bigger picture can bring us peace and relieve the pressure of current problems by putting things into perspective.
Do you see God’s big picture in these words?
Your justice is eternal, and your instructions are perfectly true. As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands. Your laws are always right; help me to understand them so I may live.
Psalm 119:142-144
Pressures and stress bearing down on us – how do we do well in spite of it all? We look at the big picture God gives us that is clear for us to see. Follow His instructions.
What others say or do should not impact our choice to follow God’s plan for us. We need to keep our eyes focused on God rather than on the problem or person causing it.
Loving Heavenly Father, Nothing in all creation is hidden from Your sight. When troubles come, help us not to stress over the events but to see You in action in the big picture.
We know Your truth that can be found even in the simple slogan: "This too shall pass." Circumstances change, and often quickly but as we step by step follow Your plan for our lives, we will live well, find peace beyond our understanding, and joy that surprises us. Your counsel is perfect. Your ways work! Amen
God’s big picture for today. Let’s keep our eyes focused there. Have a great day.
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