What To Do When We're Just Plain Weary
Here we are, for most people, at the end of the work week. It’s not uncommon for us to feel weary in well doing but still have to carry on.
God knows all about our weariness and has encouraging things to say to us:
My health fails; my spirits droop, yet God remains! He is the strength of my heart; he is mine forever!
Psalm 73:26
Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders— he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. He’ll never let good people topple into ruin.
Psalm 55:22
Thank you God for your promise to give us refreshing, strength, power when we are weak, and giving us all we need when we are fainting from weariness.
You tell us: I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.
Jeremiah 31:25
He, God, gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Isaiah 40:29
Thank you for being right here with us, caring for us, making all of You love and power available to us today.
We feel the pile of pressures and burdens on our own shoulders. Our hearts are filled with thoughts and wonderings about what’s happening today, what’s coming down the line.
Thank you God, for your offer to us today to pile our troubles on You and let you carry our load. We need your help. We need your strength. We need to lean into You today because we are tired.
Keep all of us aware, Lord, that our provision and our strength, and our ability to get through comes from You. Amen
If the sky is clear tonight go out on your porch or look out the window and look at the amazing array of stars. Remind yourself that the God who put all that in place and holds it all together is sustaining us in what we are going through in these days.
I bless you to have a wonderful day.
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