Why Do Off Colour Jokes and Coarse Language Matter
Today we hear so much profanity in music, in movies, on TV, on the street, and in print that it almost seems it’s the normal way to communicate.
A great deal of swearing includes references to bodily functions or ugly labels of body parts. These words are used as a slur and are often intended to hurl filth and negativity on a person.
Movie producers have often rationalized the presence of profanity in movies as being a more realistic expression of what people say or do in the life scenes they are portraying. Their observation of human interaction may be accurate, but God’s commandment is that we abstain from such talk.
Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God.
Ephesians 5:4
We need to ask ourselves if we honour God with the content of our speech. Stories and jokes may celebrate and honour a person or, they may degrade a person’s race or their ethnic culture. Traditional roles such as that of a mother-in-law have been the focus of many jokes which demean a beautiful family relationship. Many stories in the comedy routine of a stand-up comic have sexual undertones – and often not just undertones but straight up references that are demeaning to both males and females. They may draw lots of laughter from the audience, but the Bible encourages us to have no part in this kind of talk.
But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language.
Colossians 3:8
Moments of anger, disappointment, and frustration are filled with the temptation for us to speak dishonourably. It’s so easy to shame and curse a person in reaction to what they have said or done. This is not God’s way of dealing with problems. God wants us to reason together, to forgive, and to bless. When we speak, God wants us to encourage and uplift others.
And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!
James 3:10
Lord Jesus, Set a guard over our lips and help us to be mindful of the words that come from our mouths. Our desire is to bless and not curse those around us.
Please resensitize us so we are aware of what we’re hearing, seeing, and saying and to take appropriate action. Forgive us for thinking these kinds of things don’t really matter when they actually offend You. Amen
If your phone was accidentally left turned on to record what you said or heard today how much of it would God censor? Let’s set a new example of talk for our culture instead of being drawn into it’s smut. Have a great day.
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