Easy Does It

"Easy Does It" OR “Take it Easy” are some well known and well used slogans that point us toward healthy responses to whatever is going on.  The thought behind these words is that we should slow down and relax and take a measured approach to a problem or to whatever seems complicated and frustrating to us. 

Jesus also taught us that "easy does it" when he told us:   Don’t worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Tomorrow will have its own worries.  Matthew 6:34

Jesus used the example of a little child to remind us that we need to keep things simple and take it easy.  You must change your thinking and become like little children. If you don’t do this, you will never enter God’s kingdom. The greatest person in God’s kingdom is the one who makes himself humble like this child. Matthew 18:2-4

Letting tension get the best of us and becoming stressed out never puts us in a good problem-solving frame of mind.  When we trust that God is good and that our will and our lives are safely settled in God's care, we don't have to fix everybody and everything.  We can take the time we need to quiet our heart and to consider various possibilities until we settle on what seems to be the best reaction or course of action.

When things are difficult for us, we need to bring our problems to God and remember that "easy does it." As our hearts are quieted in His love we will hear His guidance and know the next right step to take. 

God says:  Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. Isaiah 30:15

Heavenly Father, help us to slow down today and remember that "easy does it." You are bigger than our biggest problems and You have good plans for us.  Your Spirit lives in us to know Your will and to empower us to apply the guidance You give us.

Help us to make it a practice, when we are facing things that are complicated or challenging to just quiet our hearts and listen for Your clear direction. We surrender all that is going on around us and in us to You.  We will move at Your pace and in Your way. Amen

Let’s have a joyful and “easy does it” kind of day today, shall we?


Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.