Part Of This Generation

Tuesday March 25, 2025

It's so easy to compare ourselves to others when we want to see ourselves in a good light.  We take certain character defects that we assume we don't have that we see in them and we use that to enhance our sense of being alright.  Too often though, we are very much like others around us and in our own way we contribute to the difficulties society faces today. 

I was reminded as I read these words of the times God dealt with the nation of Israel as a people because they were:

… a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation that did not set it heart aright, and whose spirit was not faithful to God.  Psalm 78:8

We live in a time when generations are exactly that - stubborn in their own definitions and views of things, rebellious against the principles and standards God says are what make for a successful life and society. 

At the core of it the problem is that our hearts are not set right and our spirits are not faithful to God.  It doesn’t take much to realize that we live in just such a time.

We have a clear record in God’s Word and down through history of how good God is and how God takes care of those whose hearts are set on Him.

The Lord is constantly watching everyone, and he gives strength to those who faithfully obey him.  2 Chronicles 16:9

God, we want to be those people who are faithfully walking with You no matter what others around us do.  We know that as we choose to follow You, You will be with us.  You will give us strength and whatever else we need.

We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God's own power, when we learned he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness.   2 Peter 1:3

We know that means that we will need the humility to lay down our own perspective of what is right and wrong and at various times challenge the message of the day in our culture that goes against what You have clearly shown us in your Word. Help us to live a life that pleases You, that sets our heart rightly each day, and that remains faithful to You at all time throughout the days and decades of our lives.  Amen

Well, I want to have the very best day possible and so even though I know I’ll do it imperfectly I want to set my heart to know and follow God. Join me, won’t you?

Giving Hope

Partners in Hope is supported wholly by our friends and community. We are thankful to everyone who partners with us to help bring hope to the discouraged, hurting, and hopeless.