What To Do When I'm Feeling Disconnected and Lonely

Loneliness – pretty much a universal experience at some point in our lives, I think, don’t you? How c an we recognize it and what can we do about it?


There’s the loneliness of not having close loving people around and also the loneliness of not being understood or cared for even when we are surrounded by others.

We feel isolated and it seems that others have their own agenda and have no idea what we are thinking or feeling or needing to cope with.

Mother Teresa said, “Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty”.

One of the causes of our loneliness can be that our relationship with God is broken.  When that’s the case, we are not being nurtured each day by His unfailing love and we are unable to receive love or give love to others.  When we draw near to God, and choose to be filled up each day with His love, then we are on our way to being emotionally healthy.

For the Lord your God is living among you.  He is a mighty savior.  He will take delight in you with gladness.  With his love, he will calm all your fears.  He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17 

On their own people, performance, possessions, or events are not sufficient to fill our loneliness.  No matter what else we do, we need to welcome the loving presence of God deep in our souls and take time to get to know God. 

As we experience His tenderness and love, we grow in our assurance that we are His children, that we are never alone. He will show us how to relate to others in a way that welcomes the care and understanding we long for from them. 

Heavenly Father, Thank you for your unfailing love for us.  You have not left us alone but have given us your Holy Spirit to be in us and around us. When we feel disconnected, help us to remember that we are  your children, that you are always with us, and you will never leave us nor forsake us. 

Help us to experience healthy relationships built on the foundation of your word.  Amen 




Giving Hope

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