Hope For Today "Rationalizing"

Tuesday March 25, 2025
We live in a time when generations are exactly that - stubborn in their own definitions and views of things, rebellious against the principles and standards God says are what make for a successful life and society. At the core of it the problem is that our hearts are not set right and our spirits are not faithful to God. How to live above this ourselves and be a good example to others?

Wednesday March 19, 2025
I’m sure you’ve heard as I have this saying, "Let your conscience be your guide." God has given us a conscience as a tool to help us know right from wrong but we need to always surrender that conscience to God and His truth. Why?

Friday March 7, 2025
Remember the old term "being wishy washy?" We are great at doing things for a short while bug challenges come and how easily we get diverted or stumble. How do we find the help we need to be more consistent?

Sunday February 16, 2025
In recovery circles there is a saying, “You are only as sick as your secrets.

Tuesday July 25, 2023

Saturday October 22, 2022