Daily Meditation Booklets
Life With God In Recovery Daily Meditations are written to help us recognize God’s presence in our lives, even during our troubled times, and learn how to become more aware of the plan God had for us when He created us.

Step 11 of Alcoholics Anonymous reminds us: “We seek to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry it out.”
Live With God In Recovery Daily Meditations are produced to help us in this journey. They are available
- ONLINE for smart phone, tablet, or computer at: partnersinhope.com/meditations.
Downloadable copies are available for reading on a digital device or for printing by clicking on the appropriate download button below. Choose either the “Save As” or “Print” option when the document is open on your screen. For a booklet set your printer options to "double sided printing," “landscape” orientation" and “flip on short side.”
March 2025 Daily Meditations
April 2025 Daily Meditations