Relapse Prevention Guide Booklets

“How do we prevent relapse into addictive behaviours and destructive lifestyles and sustain our choice to live in love and grace over the long haul? Strangely, we have to stop focusing on “not picking up" and focus instead on God’s goodness to us, God’s strength in us, and God’s blessings around us.”
We have collected thoughts on many recovery topics into resources for personal reflection and group discussion guides. We have booklets on several themes as well as individual topics which fit the material on two sides a sheet of paper. Those "one topic sheets" can be found here. Click on the links below to find printable copies of the booklets. Everything is downloadable free of charge. The "e-book" link will give you the content in a form that can easily be read on a phone or tablet. The "booklet" option will print the pages in the page order needed so you can fold them into a booklet.
Just a reminder, the sheets that address specific steps in the 12 Step Program that are stored elsewhere on this website can also be found here. The group study guides which are a collection of those sheets can be found here.
Relapse Prevention Book One
We look at perspectives and habits that can drag us down and lead to a relapse. Some of the subjects include: Attitudes; Stress; Depression; Guilt; Condemnation; Relying On good Counselors; and Dealing With Low Self-Esteem
Relapse Prevention Book Two
We look at further issues that have brought many folks trouble and led to relapse. Some of the subjects include: Street Smarts or Living Wisely; Running On Empty; Dealing With Dysfunction; Rationalizing, Grudges and Resentments; Codependency
Relapse Prevention Book Three
This third booklet explores subjects we need to keep in mind so we stay steady in recovery and do not drift into relapse. We focus on healthy building blocks such as: Living With Honour; Experience Strength and Hope; Integrity; Boundaries; Discernment; Choosing Well; and Bringing Out The Best In One Another
When we love and care for a person our desire for them is to hve the very best possible life. We need to find good ways to encourage one another because the journey to healing and recovery is not always easy. In this book we discuss topics such as: Love Goes Beyond Words; Short Notes on Encouragement; Bringing Out The Test in One Another; The Bible Speaks About Encouragement; Barnabas - A Man of Encouragement
Anger goes by many names as we rationalize our thoughts and behaviours. In this guide we look a some aspects that contribute to the anger that builds up in us and how to deal with it before it negatively impacts our relationships. Some themes discussed in this guide are: Stored Anger; Dealing Well With Stress; Why Do I Feel Guilty; Gossip - The Poison of Anger; Grudge, Resentment and Forgiveness
We come to recovery longing for a new way of life in relatinoship with God, family, and others and we know how difficult it is to build good relationships. Some of the subjects discussedin this guide include: Showing Respect; Living Lonely or Living in Love; the Relationshp At The Foundation; Living As Honourable People; No Accusation-No Condemnation; Co-Dependent No More