Group Study Guides for the Twelve Steps

“The purpose of all meetings is for A.A. members to share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover.”

We’ve gathered discussion sheets on various issues related to each step and relapse prevention and packaged them into a series of booklets.  These are particularly useful for individuals seeking to work through the steps on their own or with a sponsor and for step-study groups as they complete regular check-ups of their life with God in recovery.  You will find materials at the beginning of each booklet that provide the format for a group 12-step meeting.

Downloadable copies are available for reading on a digital device or for printing by clicking on the appropriate download button below. 


Getting Started 

We want to get our life back, figure out where things went wrong and chart a safe course going forward.  Where do we begin?  Before we set out on the 12 Step journey it's good to consider "The Big Picture."  We explore themes like  "Addiction and the Whole Person, "Denial," and  "Leaving Behind A Victim Mentality."


Early Steps - Steps 1 - 3

These are the Steps 1-3 as we look at powelessness, coming to believe, and actually turning our will and our life over to the care of God.  We look at what it means to admit we can't do this on our own, what a higher power worth trusting might look like, and what  being cared for has to do with our ability to make that surrender of our will and our lives.


Stepping Away From Danger - Step 4 

In order to move forward we need to accurately assess what's wrong.  Fortunately we make this inventory with the God who already knows all there is to be revealed and who, with that knowledge, invites us to come close to Him.  This is not an exercise in condemnation and shame.  It's purpose is to identify those things that harm and to help us find forgiveness and healing. Topics addressed include:  Anger, Facing Fear, Gossip, Honesty, Loneliness, Relationships, Selfishness, Sexual Ethics, Soft Addictions, and Vulnerability 


Walking a New Road Together - Steps 5 - 7

These are crucial steps in leaving behind our old destructive ways of thinking and behaving.  We look at what's involved in acknowleging the exact nature of our wrong and then walking through the process of becoming willing to have God actually remove those defects of character.  We also explore what it means to humbling ask God to do that for us.



Stepping Into Healthy Relationships - Steps 8-9 

Where have we caused harm and contributed to the breakdown of relationships?  What does it mean to do our part to make things right?  We explore both the list making and the becoming willing to make amends.  We look at a sensitive and caring process for making direct amends and what to do if others aren't ready to meet us yet at this spot on our healing journey.



Walking the New Path - Steps 10-12

Having done our best to put our past to rest we now focus on what healthy living looks like going forward.  We have lived so long with destructive mindsets and dysfunctional behaviours that we need to be vigilant about how they creep back into our day.  We have turned our will and our life over to the care of God so now we want to improve our conscious contact with God and gain help in carrying out God's will.  We give thanks for the spiritual awakening we have had and seek to carry this message to others with both our walk and our talk.