Step 4 - Taking Inventory

“Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.”

Lamentations 3:40

In order to move forward we need to accurately assess what's wrong.  Fortunately we make this inventory with the God who already knows all there is to be revealed and who, with that knowledge, invites us to come close to Him.  This is not an exercise in condemnation and shame.  It's purpose is to identify those things that harm and to help us find forgiveness and healing.  
Click on any of the links below for more information on how to build these principles into a person's daily living as we consider Step Four.
Facing Fear
Living Lonely
Pride From Hurt
Sexual Ethics
Soft Addictions
Stored Anger



Other Helpful Information on This Step

The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous or the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

The Twelve Steps and Their Relationships to Christianity

Bible Studies For Successful Recovery