Masks (2)
Friday November 14, 2014

Recently at Hallowe'en parties and around town on the streets we saw all kinds of masks. Sometimes children wore them as they went door to door. School age kids wore them to parties in their classes. Adults donned masks to attend parties later in the evening.
Many of us wear day-to-day masks. Which of these are we more likely to put on in a moment of insecurity or fear?
· A “clown” mask we wear when we are afraid of looking at the deeper places of our hearts.
· An “I’m OK” mask that we wear when we don’t want anyone to see our vulnerability.
· A “stone-face” mask we wear when we haven’t spent time in the security of God’s loving presence dealing with our heart and so we think we have to be “tough”
· An “angry” mask we use when we’ve been hurt and we want to feel strong rather than weak
· An “I’m too busy” mask we wear when we take ourselves so seriously that we think the whole world revolves around us and we’ve forgotten how to play and be gentle with others.
· A “rattling-on-mask” that we wear when we are afraid of silence or when we are trying to cover up our insecurities.
· A “poor me” mask we show to others when we want to be rescued and continue with the familiar rather than taking responsibility for what we are experiencing today

God has created us in joy and in beauty. God created us as human beings. God knows every day of our lives and the circumstances that will surround us each day. God has called us to live at peace with each other and says that as we live in truth and love we will know great freedom. With God, we can face whatever comes across our path and the circumstances that will be created within our hearts.

©2014 Partners in Hope
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Audio for Masks (2)
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