We are experts at rationalizing – attempting to excuse, minimize, or justify our bad behaviour. We rationalize because we don't want the inconvenience or embarrassment that the truth might bring. We rationalize when we are still angry with someone and want to justify our resentment. God's word paints a very clear picture about this poisonous mixture of truth and lies.
If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar. His word is not in us. Suppose someone claims to love God but hates a brother or sister. Then they are a liar. They don’t love their brother or sister, whom they have seen. So they can’t love God, whom they haven’t seen. (1 John 1:10, 4:20 NIRV)
God’s love goes deeper than any painful, shameful action in our past. For all the sin that resulted from rationalizing our behaviour, there is instant, total, and completely undeserved forgiveness. God’s truth begins to come alive in us when we speak truth to our hearts and minds and consistently choose for truth over rationalization. When we surrender our imperfect understanding of ourselves and our past behaviour to God and ask for help, He will reveal the root cause of our confused conduct and show us the best way forward.
…Don’t let anyone lead you astray. The person who does what is right is holy, just as Christ is holy. The person who does what is sinful belongs to the devil. (1 John 3:7-8a NIRV)
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Forgive me for the times I have rationalized my thoughts in order to excuse my unwillingness to do the right thing. I ask You to give me wisdom and the courage to examine my thoughts and actions in accordance with Your word. Help me to get rid of the roots of bitterness and fear which support my rebellion. Help me to walk in truth in the light of Your presence. Amen
©2022 Partners in Hope
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