Ready For God To Remove Defects Of Character

The purpose of Step 6 is to help us address those personal defects of character that result from our discontentment with life. Through our personal inventory, we have become aware of our flawed belief system and our dysfunctional behaviour patterns and have become willing to make changes. We are ready to have God remove all our faulty coping mechanisms. Becoming entirely ready is the key to our willingness to change the way we think and act. 

Keep me from cheating and telling lies.  Be kind to me and teach me your law.  I have chosen to be faithful to you.  I put my trust in your laws.  (Psalm 119:29-30 NIRV)

Character defects are often developed through many years of struggling to survive.  We tend to feel at home with what is familiar to us, even while desiring a better life.  God is willing to give us the desire and the power to complete the task of changing if we wholeheartedly turn our will and our life over to His care.  God will not only help us defeat our fear of change but will enable us to become willing to have Him remove all our defects of character so we can progress further than we ever thought possible.   

I taught Ephraim to walk.  I took them up in my arms.  But they did not realize I was the one who took care of them.  I led them with kindness and love.  I was to them like a person who lifts a little child to their cheek.  I bent down and fed them.
  (Hosea 11:3-4 NIRV) 

Character defects often slip away one at a time as we surrender ourselves to the ways of God.  When we notice one of our defects in operation, we can invite God to help us change our thinking and enable us to choose His way of communicating.  We are changing our ways and new life is developing in us every time we ask God to remove a character defect rather than acting on it.

Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth!  Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.  (Psalm 86:11 NLT)

Prayer:  Gracious God, I am entirely ready to have You remove all my defects of character.  Teach me Your ways that I may live in Your truth.  Amen

Audio for Ready For God To Remove Defects Of Character

Giving Hope

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