Setting The Right Goals

Many who struggle with addictive behaviour are not happy because their lives are unfulfilled, and they are not achieving what they really want in life. Happiness and satisfaction are measures of reasonable success in the goals and plans one is working to achieve.
Living effectively with goals requires planning and being accountable for how one is progressing according to the plan. Some goals are short-term and include activities that can be accomplished in a day or a week. Others are longer term goals and require plans for years going forward. Our plans must include the reshaping of our character according to God’s principles, and not just for today but for the rest of our lives. All of these are important components of a satisfying and successful life.

What would character development look like in my life if I applied common "goal setting strategies” and identified a few things that are important to me that I am willing to work on? What would be required in the short term to work towards these goals? Am I willing to get specific about the steps to be taken and the time frame required to accomplish them? Am I willing to note my progress and see any stumble in the light of the overall progress I am making?

The first task we should engage in is to agree with God's plan for character development. Character goals include: goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love. Focusing on God's plan will lead to ultimate success, success as defined in God's word. We are promised that as these qualities are practiced in our life, we will be useful and fruitful and will not stumble. Sounds like a great relapse prevention plan.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I want to give You the opportunity to grow my character. Show me the goals I should set that will fulfill Your plan for my life. Amen
©2022 Partners in Hope
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