Happy Canada Day

Canada's coat of arms is an official symbol of the country. Each component has meaning. Royal Authority is represented by the lions. The motto "desiderantes meliorem patriam” (They desire a better country) reminds us that most of us are immigrants who have experienced acceptance and hospitality in Canada. Symbols of both France and England link us to a part of our country’s heritage. A crest on the royal helmet symbolizes valour and courage. Figures on either side of the shield are known as supporters and are depicted with great strength. Underneath these symbols are the words, "A mari usque ad mare" (From sea to sea) taken from Psalm 72, a prayer for God's authority and rule to be present in all that holds this country together.

Thousands of years ago the above prayer went up from earth to heaven on behalf of a ruling king. This prayer asked God for justice for the people and that the people be blessed, the afflicted defended, and the children protected. The same prayer invited God to have dominion (influence and authority) over the country.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank you for this land of Canada. May I seek to live in peace with my neighbours and look to You for direction in all my affairs. I ask that Your favour rest on this great land and may its government and its people from sea to sea be guided by Your wisdom so that this nation may flourish and prosper. Amen
©2022 Partners in Hope
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